Dr. Surabhi钱德拉


办公室: 黑洞 201B   |    电话: (308) 865-8695   |    电子邮件: chandras2@softlawinternationale.net

Dr. Surabhi钱德拉



  • Cardiovascular and renal physiology
  • 药理学


  • B.S. (2001) - University of Mumbai, India
  • M.S. (2003) - University of Mumbai, India
  • 博士学位. (2008) - Tulane University

Professional Affiliations:


  • 钱德拉,年代.  2008.  Investigations on the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced insulin resistance:  protection by thymoquinone.  Ph. D. Dissertation, Tulane University, New Orleans.


  • 方式,H.卢,J.Venteicher, B., 钱德拉,年代.托马斯,A.A.  2022.   利巴韦林的合成,2,3-和1,2,4-triazolyl analogs with changes at the amide and cytotoxicity in breast cancer cell lines.  核苷、核苷酸 & 核酸  http://doi.org/10.1080/15257770.2022.2107218
  • Capellen C.C.奥特加·罗达斯,J.莫威策,M.J.托菲劳,H.M.N.邓沃斯,M.卡塞罗,R.A. Jr., 钱德拉,年代.  2021.  Hyperglycemic conditions proliferate triple negative breast cancer cells: role of ornithine decarboxylase.  乳腺癌治疗. 190(2):255-264.  doi: 10.1007/s10549-021-06388-0.  Epub 2021 9月16日. PMID: 34529197 
  • 汉密尔顿,L. J.沃克,M。.Pattabiraman, M.,钟,H. A.吕德克,B., 钱德拉,年代.  2021.  Novel curcumin analog (cis-trans curcumin) as ligand to adenosine receptors A2A and A2B: potential for therapeutics. 药理研究 在线.
  • Dutta D.帕尔默,X-L.奥特加·罗达斯,J.巴拉吉,V., Dastider, I. G., 钱德拉,年代.  2020.  Biomechanical and biophysical properties of breast cancer cells under varying glycemic regimens.  Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical 研究 14:1-6. 
  • 卡尔森,D., 钱德拉,年代.霍布斯,n.n.斯蒂尔,J.  2019.  Clay modeling in a sophomore-level anatomy laboratory:  Will active learning improve student performance?  人体解剖学 & Physiology Society (HAPS) Educator 23:5-11. 
  • Dutta D.罗素C.Kim, J., 钱德拉,年代.  2018.  Differential mobility of breast cancer cells and normal breast epithelial cells under dc electrophoresis and electroosmosis.  抗癌的研究 38: 5733-5738.
  • Priebe,.汉克,M.托内洛,R.,索纳瓦内,Y.波塔,T.Natarajan, A.布瓦内什,N.Pattabiraman, M., 钱德拉,年代.  2018.  Ferulic acid dimer as a non-opioid therapeutic for acute pain.  疼痛研究杂志 11:1075-1085.
  • Hunke, M.马丁内斯,W.卡什亚普,A.博科斯基,T.Pattabiraman, M., 钱德拉,年代.  2018.  Antineoplastic actions of cinnamic acids and their dimers in breast cancer cells: A comparative study.  抗癌的研究 38(8):4469-4474.
  • 么,我., 钱德拉,年代.,托克,H. A.巴塔,A. 考德威尔,R. W.  2013. Prevention of diabetes induced arginase activation and endothelial dysfunction by Rho kinase knockout.  心血管研究 97(3):509-19.
  • 钱德拉,年代.罗梅罗,M. J.A .沙塔纳维(Shatanawi.Alkilany, A.考德威尔,R. B.考德威尔,R. W.  2012.  Oxidative species increase arginase activity in endothelial cells through the RhoA/Rho kinase pathway.  British Journal of 药理学 165(2):506-19.
  • Shatanawi,.罗梅罗,M. J.J. A., 钱德拉,年代.N .冷漠. S.Verin, A. D.考德威尔,R. B.考德威尔,R. W.  2011.  Angiotensin II increases arginase activity and expression through RhoA/Rho kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways  American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 300(5):C1181-92.
  • 塔尔、R.W . Kaesemeyer. H., 钱德拉,年代.福尔顿,D. J.考德威尔,R. W.  2010.  Acute activation of eNOS by lovastatin involves scavengerreceptor-B1, G蛋白亚基Gi, 磷脂酶C, 钙的流入.  British Journal of 药理学 160 (7):1765-1772.
  • 无边女帽,H. A.罗梅罗,M. J., Tostes, R. C.A .沙塔纳维(Shatanawi., 钱德拉,年代.卡内罗,Z.在学校,E.韦布,R. C.考德威尔,R. B.考德威尔,R. W.  2010.  p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) increases arginase activity and contributes to endothelial dysfunction in corpora cavernosa from angiotensin-II treated mice.  Journal of Sexual Medicine 7(12):3857-67.
  • 粗糖,年代.卡多维茨,P. J.,古尔坎,L., 钱德拉,年代.德威特,S. Y.中国,哈尔滨.斯卡,S. C. 和W·海尔斯特伦. J. G.  2010.  Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide synthase induces hypertension and erectile dysfunction in the rat that is not reversed by sildenafil.  British Journal of Urology 106 (1):78-83.
  • 钱德拉,年代.墨菲,S. N.蒙达尔,D. 阿格拉瓦尔,K. C.  2009.  Therapeutic effects of black seed oil (Nigella sativa) on chronic HAART exposure induced hyperinsulinemia in rats Canadian Journal of Physiology and 药理学 87 (4):300-9.
  • 钱德拉,年代.蒙达尔,D. 阿格拉瓦尔,K. C.  2009.  HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced oxidative stress suppresses glucose stimulated insulin release from pancreatic beta-cells: protective effect of thymoquinone.  Experimental 生物学 and Medicine 234 (4):442-53.
  • 没吃,.N.苏汉诺夫,S.麦基,J.格列柯,A. J., 钱德拉,年代.德拉方丹,P.卡多维茨,P. J.麦克纳马拉,D. B. 和V州的丰塞卡. A.  2009.  Insulin Glargine reduces carotid intimal hyperplasia after balloon catheter injury in Zucker fatty rats possibly by reduction in oxidative stress.  Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 330 (1-2):1-8.
  • 普拉丹,L.蒙达尔,D., 钱德拉,年代.阿里,M. 阿格拉瓦尔,K. C.  2008.  Molecular analysis of cocaine-induced endothelial dysfunction: role of endothelin-1 and nitric oxide.  Cardiovascular Toxicology 8 (4):161-71.
  • 粗糖,年代.斯卡,S. C., 钱德拉,年代.,科卡,P. S.阿格拉瓦尔,K. C.卡多维茨,P. J. 和W·海尔斯特伦. J. G.  2008.  Alfuzosin attenuates erectile dysfunction in rats with partial bladder outlet obstruction.  British Journal of Urology 102 (11):1651-7.
  • Kendirci, M.普拉丹,L.特罗斯特,L., g, S., 钱德拉,年代.阿格拉瓦尔,K. C. 和W·海尔斯特伦. J. G.  2007.  Peripheral mechanisms of erectile dysfunction in a rat model of chronic cocaine use.  欧洲泌尿学 52(2):555-64.